Wednesday 9 January 2013

Bloggin' ain't easy

This whole blogging business is sure tough, not the writing, I love to write and research. Just finding time to put together all my ideas. I currently have about 3 dozen different pieces on the go, although I don't feel any of them are ready to publish yet. I'm a bit of a perfectionist, but the worst kind... the kind that is never happy with what I do, always striving to do better.

Some of the pieces I've written are in serious need of editing and organization. Most of them are a random stream of thought bordering on ranting. One thing I really wish I had done before starting this blog was to have several of these pieces completely ready to publish. Two main reasons why... One, I could have a bank of work to pull from so as to publish blogs on a regular basis. And secondly because then I would have a better gauge on how long it would take me to finish a piece and have it ready to post.

Part of the problem, probably the biggest thing holding me back at this point, is bouncing from piece to piece. Instead of focusing on one piece until it's complete. I have kind of a scattered process. My mind is always going in a million different directions. The best way I can describe it is as a beehive, with a swarm of bees buzzing around... Each one of those bees is an idea I'm working on.

And not all my efforts are focused on the MRM. I do work a full time job (sometimes way more than fulltime, working upwards of 16hr days and often on the road somewhere). I'm also a single father whenever I'm not working. I have a 7yr old daughter that takes up a lot of my time, and I love it. She makes life worth living. On top of that I also have  a 4 month old son, from which I've been alienated from by his mother. I spend a great deal of my time and efforts studying family law and other similar court cases hoping to prepare to gain access. I've also been fielding emails from men (and in two cases, women) in my area that want to get involved in the MRM or at least voice their frustrations with feminism or the family courts. Most of them are just happy to have a sympathetic voice to listen to their frustrations, a safe place to vent without facing backlash. Others are wanting to find opportunities to move the movement forward in our area, and I hope to be working with some of these people soon on ways we can get the MRM out into our community more.

All this combined with the recent holiday season I have had little time to work on my posts. I hope to start setting aside some time to focus on writing and posting some pieces.

I didn't realize how much work taking upon the role of a MRA was going to be. Combined with some of the backlash I've gotten from people that simply don't understand what it is I'm working on, they're too lazy to figure things out on their own and it's just easy to remain sheeple, branding me as a misogynist. Which is absolutely false, but they're simply too ignorant to know any different.

Anyway, this was simply an off the cuff, unedited exhaustion of a few ideas. Maybe some excuses for not posting, and seemingly dropping the ball as an MRA. I just wanted to assure people that I am working on things behind the scenes. Stuff that not everyone can see every day. It's coming, I'm working on things, Nothing happens overnight.... Eventually I will make a difference in my area and by extension the world. The Men's Rights Movement needs as many people as possible to put in an effort to move things forward, and I'm a firm believer that every step forward, even the smallest ones, are a step in the right direction. Nothing is accomplished by standing still.

Tuesday 4 December 2012

Men's Rights Glossary of Terms

I thought that before I continue with this blog I should make my readers privy to some of the terminology common to the Men's Rights Movement. Some, probably a lot, of the terms that are found in this glossary will be used in this blog from time to time, so I want to make their definitions clear so as to avoid any confusion. 

A great glossary can be found on the Man Woman Myth website with some great videos attached to the terms. That can be found here:

I also found a great in depth glossary at the A Voice for Men forums and can be found at: while you're there why not sign up and join the discussion. 

Sunday 2 December 2012

It has to start somewhere.

I'm still very new to the Men's Rights Movement. Having felt lost and alone dealing with my own situation dealing with the family court system I started doing some research. I found the A Voice For Men website ( and realized I wasn't alone, in fact the majority of men dealing with the system are facing similar struggles. I've been listening to the A Voice For Men podcast for a couple months now, having been slowly but surely working my way through the archives, I couldn't believe the number of callers sharing stories, struggles, and frustrations similar to my own.

I'm still very much a novice within the movement, but that doesn't mean I can't see the forest for the trees. It's very clear to me the lies perpetuated by feminism and it's advocates. I've talked with many men in my area (Central Alberta) that are facing similar struggles but not feeling as if they have anywhere to turn. Most men I've spoken with have lost faith in the system, as well as the lawyers hired to represent them... Commonly complaining that the lawyers don't care, that they just want to get a paid and do what's in their own best interest not the interest of their clients.

Like so many other aspects of life the philosophy of "No one's looking out for me but me" seems to apply; and this is why I've taken it upon myself to educate myself. But we can switch that up guys, we can make it "No one's looking out for US but US". We all have time, talents, energy and resources we can contribute for our collective betterment. I'm starting this blog, as well as a Twitter (@RedDeerMRA) and Facebook account to bring us together, allow us to share our stories, and for us to help inform each other. 

The RATM song Guerrilla Radio comes to mind....
It has to start somewhere.
It has to start sometime
What better place than here?
What better time than now?
All Hell Can't Stop Us NOW!!!